
Vestibular Specialist for Your Balance Disorder Treatment in Clinton Township & St. Clair Shores, MI

Overcome your balance problems and inner ear disorders with comprehensive yet compassionate care at Michigan Neurology Associates & Pain Consultants.

One-to-One Patient-Doctor Interaction

One-on-one evaluation with a treating doctor opens the opportunity for patients to communicate their symptoms and get efficient customized care.

Comprehensive Lab Services

Our onsite lab services ensure a quick and precise diagnosis of a patient’s current condition.

Over 20 well appointed private Exam Rooms

No need to wait hours for a consultation, examination, or noninvasive procedure.

Ambulatory Surgery Settings

Patients can leave the facility on the same day of their surgery without being hospitalized.

Friendly and Compassionate On-Board Staff

Our healthcare providers are very personable, so interactions remain free of fears or hesitations

In-House Physical Therapy Center

Receive vestibular therapy onsite to address the most common imbalance issues with an onsite certified equilibrium therapist who can perform the Epley otolith repositioning exercises as well as provide a falls prevention program, in a private rehab center.

Understand the possibly multifactorial Causes of your Sensation of disequilibrium and Receive Proper Treatment

Occasional dizziness, light/heavy-headedness, or “floating/spinning” sensations are not inherently a cause for concern. But experiencing these traits with other symptoms, such as facial numbness, unconsciousness, or a slurred speech, requires immediate medical attention for a warning of stroke. Failing to obtain proper treatment could cause your condition to aggravate, impacting your daily activities and causing emotional and psychological complications.

At Michigan Neurology Associates & Pain Consultants, we follow a holistic and multi-specialty approach to diagnose and treat all your balance concerns with personalized care and attention. We are open every weekday (Monday to Friday) at both our Clinton Township & St. Clair Shores, MI locations to help you get the care you require.

What Controls Your Balance?

What Controls Your Balance?

Your brain works with gravity and other body parts to help you maintain your balance, including:

  • Eyes
  • Muscles
  • Ears

Your inner ear encompasses the vestibular system, which includes a maze of soft tissues and crystals attached to sensory hair cells that send signals to your brain whenever you perform a movement that involves tilting or turning your head. The vestibular Labyrinth maze contains a fluid, which moves as you move, creating the signal to your brain that communicates the direction of your head movements. If any part of your vestibular system weakens or becomes dysfunctional, your balance will be impacted, resulting in a balance disorder and possibly dangerous falls.

What Is a Balance Disorder?

A balance disorder most commonly presents itself when you experience dizziness or feel like your body is floating or the room is spinning, despite you being grounded through either sitting, standing, or lying. This disorder may increase your risk of falling and tripping, resulting in contusions, complications of injuries, fractures, sprains, strains, etc.

What Are the Possible Causes of a Balance Disorder?

You may develop a balance disorder as you age secondary to a single or a combination of effects

  • Vision problems
  • Taking certain medications
  • Inner ear infections
  • Head injury
  • Unstable blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Distal Polyneuropathy

When Should You See a Neurologist for a Balance Disorder?

Immediately visit a vestibular specialist if your balance disorder causes the following symptoms:

  • Vertigo
  • Unsteadiness while walking or with rapid Body Position change
  • Fear of falling
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Vomiting with disequilibrium
  • Heart rate changes
  • Diarrhea
  • Blood pressure variations
  • Anxiety with hyperventilation

How Can We Help with Your Vestibular Disorders?

First, we will review your medical history and your symptoms. We will then perform a thorough Neurologic examination that includes checking your hands and legs for weakness or sensory loss

For a more complete diagnosis, we may perform the following procedures:

  • Blood Tests - To check the abnormalities in red blood cells (as low RBC impacts oxygen reaching the brain, causing imbalance issues) or blood sugar level (as low blood glucose causes dizziness).
  • Hearing Tests - To check if you have any hearing difficulties, as it may cause balance issues.
  • Posturography Test - Measures your control over your posture in an upright stance or while standing on a moving platform.
  • Eye Movement Test - You will be asked to move your eyes in different directions to evaluate the proper functioning of the extraocular muscles.
  • X-Rays - To determine if your balance disorder is caused by any underlying medical conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc.
  • Tilt Table Test - To check if your heart rate or blood pressure contain any abnormalities, as it may cause dizziness.
  • Dix-Hallpike Maneuver - Your head will be moved in different directions to determine whether your eye movements are in the same direction or if you have a false sense of motion.
  • Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials Test - Sensor pads will be attached to your neck and forehead and under your eyes to measure changes in muscle contractions in response to sounds

Depending on your test results and symptoms, we may recommend any of the following treatment options to treat your balance disorders:

  • Antibiotics - To treat balance issues resulting from inner ear infections.
  • Manual Epley Maneuvers - If vertigo (occurs when small calcium carbonate crystals fall into the inner ear canal’s fluid) causes your balance issue, we will help clear the crystals.
  • Prescription Medications - To suppress the symptoms of balance disorders.
  • Physical Therapy - Includes exercises to improve the moving ability and functionality of the affected area while minimizing associated pain and discomfort.
  • Diet and Lifestyle Changes - You may be instructed to limit your intake of salt, alcohol, and caffeine to keep your vitals at par levels. Additionally, you may be asked to wear compression stockings and drink more fluids.
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Schedule Your Vestibular Disorder Treatment in Clinton Township or St. Clair Shores, MI

If you are looking for vestibular disorder treatment near you, contact us at Michigan Neurology Associates & Pain Consultants or schedule an appointment with us. We have board-certified physicians and state-of-the-art facilities for prompt testing and treatment.

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